Friday, April 27, 2012

Mommy Perks

Prior to having kids, I  would tend to go back and forth on what the big deal of having them really was.You hear the terrible graphic birthing stories, I have yet to see a pregnant woman who looks comfortable, and then there are the colic babies. On the other hand, you see tender moments with parents and kids, and who doesn't love snuggling a peaceful sleeping baby.

I now know that yes there are the really tough times, and kids do make you infinitely more vulnerable to the world and it's heartaches, but daily, even hourly you get Mommy perks.

Here are a few of the perks I have currently enjoyed.

Last night when I got home from Young Womens,  Hudson(who had snuck out from his bedroom) lept down the stairs announcing his love for me. It was true and uninhibited. I felt his love so much! Then he told me "I am so glad your home" and begged me to snuggle him to sleep. I got to cuddle with a charming little 3 year old and literally feel the grace of God right in my arms. I am so thankful I have been privileged to have this experience.

Here is another perk. The other night(in the middle of the night) Cooper woke up and was screaming. I am doing a new diet and I am incredibly tired from it. I let poor Coops cry for a bit then mustered up the strength to go and get my boy. He was crying pretty hard, but the minute I entered his room and said his name he stopped crying. He did not cry again. He knew his Mama was there to take care of him. I was a bit stunned that just the sound of my voice would comfort, my then hysterical, baby. That experience made me feel so important and loved. Many people do not have experiences that allow them to feel so important, so I am so thankful for that sweet reminder!

Here is one more. Today after talking with a friend who related their experience having their premature daughter, I was a bit overwhelmed with some sadness that  my little daughter didn't get to live. I started to cry and somehow Hudson knew immediately why. He said" you sad because you miss Piper?"I told him I was, to which he responded with a hug(complete with pats on the back). Then this wise little boy told me it was okay, as Piper was with Jesus. (cute sidenote-he told me," I know, the temple is far away-that is where Jesus lives with Piper right?") He was confident and caring. I know in so many ways he is the teacher and I am supposed to be the student.

I guess these types of experiences are what makes having kids such a big deal! I am so thankful for all of my Mommy perks!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter 2012

Shane and I decided to go up to Slave Lake with our boys for Easter! I am so glad we did! We had our first sleepover at Grandma's house and got to play with our cousins!

The trip was almost cancelled due to a spring snow storm(can I just say I am DONE with these surprise snowstorms?)

Good Friday we drove up and came home Sunday afternoon. It was a quick and fun trip. My parents house was still a bit in shambles as their kitchen counter tops, back splash and sink were all not installed. This left my poor Mom doing all of our dishes in the bathroom. Also, most of the basement is finished, but the carpet was not in, so that space was not really usable. Other than that, the house is beautiful!

Hudson's reaction was pretty cute when he came in, he said"this is magical."

Shane took Hudson to a lame egg hunt(which was already over when they arrived), and then was able to go out to work with my Dad and spend some time with him on Saturday.
Saturday evening Aunt Leanne and Porter helped Hudson dye eggs, and get some snacks ready for the Easter Bunny.

Aunt Rudi saved the day by picking up Elefun in Edmonton for Hudson. Elefun (a fun kids game H is obsessed with) was promised to Hudson by Dad for filling up his potty chart. We hadn't been able to find it so we were feeling pretty bad! Thanks Ruds!

Sunday morning we were up early, and Hudson pounded half of his chocolate in just a few minutes! Then we played Elefun and headed to church.
 As always, spending time with family is what is the most fun about going home.
 Happy Easter Everyone!

Spring Color

My love all started with one can. I have been addicted for years. I love spray paint!

I decided because it is spring, we needed a little bit of color around here. I jumped on the aqua and yellow bandwagon and got to work spraying.
I love how quick, cheap and easy spray painting is!Did you know that newer spray paints dry in ten minutes?  How awesome is that! There are tonnes of tips and tutorials out there regarding techniques for spray painting ( I am sure they are helpful) but I think it is pretty simple, so none will be included here:)
Just lay out your piece and spray!

I snagged this cute highchair from Kijiji and I was happy keeping it white, but I knew it would be a perfect piece to add some color to my neutraliffic home .(I am a LOVER of neutrals!-guaranteed this bad boy will be white, grey or some other neutral in a few months-haha)



                              Here are a couple other things that got sprayed!                                                                        
I sprayed the tray and candle holders

Here are a couple other easy, cheap and NON PERMANENT pops of color!
                                         Double sided tape and scrapbooking paper to the back of my hutch. Easy and effective and super quick to change.
I used craft paint on the star(Walmart), and I added dollar store yellow flowers to brighten up our living room.

For some reason I love changing things up. I wish I didn't feel the need for change so often but, these were some pretty cheap and easy ways to SPRING things up around here.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Our Weekend

Part of blogging  for me is journaling. We had a great weekend and I want to remember it.
A few things of note happened.

First, Coop Dawgy Dawg finally cut his first tooth. I am so happy for him. He also had a cold, but has been an absolute champ.(Cooper just started doing this hammy closed mouth smile-he is such a little nerd)
 Second, Shane and I managed to 1. Go on a date-sans children, and 2. get our taxes done(and we even got an awesome return-yee-haw!)

Our date consisted of getting our taxes done-ha, then rushing off to see then Hunger Games. A couple years ago I read the Hunger Games series and it pretty much blew my mind. I loved every minute of it. Shane read it last year and epically we both wanted to see the movie and LOVED the series. The movie was fantastic. I was not disappointed at all. In my mind Katniss was an amazing literary character-among the likes of Atticus Finch and others I hold to high esteem. I was so happy that the movie portrayed her in a way that was so true to the books.

 I had two of my sweet Young Women from church watching the boys and all went well. One of the girls' name is Winter. I thought it was so cute when she told me Hudson was calling her Snow.

Saturday and Sunday we had General Conference. Conference weekends are some of my favorite times of the year. I was humbled by many of the messages, and truly came away from the experience with a renewed resolve to work on me and not worry about anyone else. One of my favorites was Deiter Uchtdorf's talk. Here are some of the highlights.
“We simply have to stop judging others and replace judgmental thoughts and feelings with a heart full of love for God and His children,” said President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency in his address Sunday morning.
This topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon,” he said. “When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm—please apply the following: Stop it!”
 “I imagine that every person on earth has been affected in some way by the destructive spirit of contention, resentment, and revenge. Perhaps there are even times when we recognize this spirit in ourselves. When we feel hurt, angry, or envious it is quite easy to judge other people, often assigning dark motives to their actions in order to justify our own feelings of resentment. Of course, we know this is wrong.”
President Uchtdorf said people can so clearly and easily see the harmful results that come when others judge and hold grudges. And they don’t like it when others judge them. “But when it comes to our own prejudices and grievances, we too often justify our anger as righteous, and our judgement as reliable and only appropriate.”
President Uchtdorf said the minute “we judge others, we condemn ourselves.”
He asked members of the congregation to forgive so they can be forgiven. “Because we all depend on the mercy of God, how can we deny to others any measure of the grace we so desperately desire for ourselves?”
Forgiving, he said, is not easy. “In fact, for most of us it requires a major change in our attitude and way of thinking—even a change of heart. But there is good news. This mighty change of heart is exactly what the gospel of Jesus Christ is designed to bring about.”
He said in a world of accusations and unfriendliness, it is easy to gather and cast stones. “Brothers and sisters, let us put down our stones. Let us be kind. Let us forgive. Let us talk peacefully with each other. Let the love of God fill our hearts. Let us do good unto all men (Galatians 6:10). ...
“Let us, as disciples of Jesus Christ, return good for evil. Let us not seek revenge or allow our wrath to overcome us. …” (see John 13:35).
President Uchtdorf said there is enough heartache and sorrow in this life without adding to it through stubbornness, bitterness, and resentment.
We are not perfect. The people around us are not perfect. People do things that annoy, disappoint, and anger. In this mortal life it will always be that way.
“Nevertheless, we must let go of our grievances. Part of the purpose of mortality is to learn how to let go of such things. That is the Lord’s way.
Remember, heaven is filled with those who have this in common: They are forgiven. And they forgive.

 On Saturday Evening our little family got to attend a special luau!  Auntie Cherie threw a 40th Birthday Party for Uncle Clint. It was Hawaiian themed, and tonnes of fun! The food was incredible and the decorations and games were awesome. Both of Shane's parents came up and we got to have Grandma Jan stay with us Saturday night(Hudson was in Heaven having her here).
 Last but not least my antique chandelier got hung!It is unreal how 30 dollars can make someone so happy. I am in love with this sweet little fixture that I picked up at the Antique Mall a couple years ago. I bought it for Piper's nursery, and it had just been another treasure sitting in my basement since we didn't use it. I decided to put it in my bedroom, but it has literally taken 2 months for me to get around to it. Things like sick boys, laundry, naps and groceries have taken precedence. It  really only took 10 minutes to hang, I guess I just thought it would be a bigger job. I can thank Hudson for  a couple shocks that I received during the process-ha.(he totally flipped the switch on when I left the room-I guess that is why they say turn the breaker off-hahaha) So here it is(note:it is hard to get a decent picture of a light).

What a fun weekend!