I often wonder if there is a phobia of your kids growing up! Really, I think I have one...Each milestone baby Coops hits, I am filled with pride, and anxiety! I love babies, and their unconditional love, no back talking and dependence. This is especially the case with baby Cooper. He is such a happy and easy going baby, and I seriously cherish him at this stage/phase so much!I just want him to stay like this forever!!!
Machy is changing a lot right now, developing leaps and bounds each day.The hugest change is his love for mobility. Coops spends most of his time army crawling around and getting stuck under our black chair in the living room. Another thing noteworthy right now is his awareness of Hudson! Cooper loves getting Hudson`s attention. Every morning the 4 of us lay in our bed, and the boys interact and play. That is my favorite time of day. Hudson will yell out Good morning Coops, and then pet him and roll on him, and Cooper will reach out and touch Hudson, and scratch him and laugh. They are so cute and I am excited to see their friendship develop!
Little Mach(Nuku Mach -shortened to Mach or Machy is his nickname-a Tongan word from my mission) has really taken to a nice schedule and must be growing a lot, as he is ravenous for his cereal. He loves to eat. Cooper does not play strange with people, but he does like his Mama, and I don`t mind that at all. Last week Cooper had his 4 month shots(haha-better late then never...) and he is weighing around 17 lbs. He is a little under 50th percentile for weight, a little above for height and apparently has a pretty small head(I think that is why his eyes look so big-ha). He is healthy and I am so thankful for that. With our church congregation having soooooo many babies born all of the time, I have been exposed to some Mama`s who have preemie or ill babies, and honestly, that would just be a heart wrenching experience!
Last week Hudson had his dental surgery and can I just say it was awful. Seeing my boy so scared as they administered the gas to him was terrible. I felt like such a traitor. He was screaming for help and Shane and I just had to hold him a down. He was so terrified.Again, I truly with all of my heart am thankful that my babies have such good health! Hudson got his fillings, and is even sporting a new silver cap. I am hoping that will be my first and last experience with that type of dental procedure.
I am so thankful that Hudson found his love for the taste of bubble gum flavored toothpaste and that he currently loves brushing his teeth. (Now I just wish he`d stop sneaking off to the bathroom to brush his teeth by himself, and the mess that results from it!)
The boys still love to take baths together, and we have been loving the awesome spring weather and getting out for walks and park visits.I feel so rejuvenated during the spring! I love being able to go outside, see neighbors and friends and go out and run errands without dread!
Hudson is settling down a teeny bit. He is still a runner and pretty wild, but he has such a dichotomous personality. He gives amazing snuggles, and loves to sit close to me when he is watching a show and we have incredible talks while cuddling at night time and nap time. Hudson is VERY aware of my feelings and moods. He asks me multiple time a day if I am okay or if I am happy. Lately we have been talking a lot about stranger danger and at least once a day he tells me that he will protect me from the people and won`t let anyone take me away from him.
A flower Hudson picked for me while we were out on a walk:)
Hudson playing with his new best bud Eljude...I think that is his name-our little neighbor boy.
It has been neat to see Hudson care about his social life. Usually every day Hudson will ask to go see his friends, or to have a party with his friends or ask if we can go to the park ect ect. Although Hudson still has some sharing issues, he loves playing with other kids, and I feel so thankful there are so many laid back Mom`s close to me who allow Hudson to learn social skills with their children! More than anything else Hudson LOOOOVES to play with his Daddy. He knows exactly when Shane comes home from work and he cannot wait for their various boy games. Wrestling (or wissling) is a definite favorite right now. I am so glad that my boys have such a fun Dad who loves to play with them!
Now I can finally rest easy knowing that I am updated on my boys!