Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Oh Halloween,  I love you! But I am so glad your over:)

This year Halloween was so much fun. The boys loved getting dressed up, and we had a couple really fun Halloween Parties so they got to dress up a number of times.

Last Friday night we were able to take our kids to a Halloween Party at Galaxyland. Joel and Amy and Clint and Cherie were there too, so it was really fun. Shane took Hudson on some rides, and I took Cooper, then we met up with all of their cousins and played in a huge play land structure. The kids were literally like wild animals. They loved every second. The only down side was it started at 7(which is their bed time). We have been paying the price all week for letting them stay up late.

 For FHE we decided to carve our pumpkins. It was crazy. Cooper was dying to hold the knife  the entire time. It was a little annoying to say the least. Shane did all of the carving, and he was a master as usual.

We had to miss our ward party because I was super sick, but Hudson and Cooper had a Halloween party today at Shannon's house. They got to decorate cookies, play games, and wear their costumes. They boys are so lucky they have such a creative and fun caregiver.

Today Shane got dressed up for work. The PT on his unit was a cop, so he dressed up as a robber. It was cute.

Tonight, we got the guys all ready and boy were they ever excited. They were champs, running from house to house. Cooper didn't say much but he was right into getting his candy. Hudson would greet everyone with Happy Halloween. It was darling!
I have to say again, that I love our block. Almost every house is decorated, and our neighbors really go all out! After one block we were done. Now we have a house full of Candy. I can't believe the loot these guys get!

We had such a great time. Now to get ready for Christmas!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dear Cooper,

Hey My Boy!!
This post is a post just for you. I hope that one day you will find this and know how much I love you and how thankful I am for YOU.
Yesterday was your 2nd birthday. I can't describe how much this family loves you! You are such a huge part of US. You are the apple of your big brother's eye, and no one who has ever met you has ever said anything but praises for you and your lovely personality.
2 years ago our family was hurting really bad. My pregnancy with you was horrible,and we needed someone like you to help us recover. Like the sweetheart that you are you came a couple weeks early. Your labor was easy, you were an easy baby and now you are an easy toddler. You listen so well and you give the softest sweetest "Love you's and nuggles."You are quiet and subdued, but funny and can be a bit of a character.  Some hallmarks of you at Two are"

  • You LOVE and demand Dora(Boots, Backpack, and even sneaky Swiper).
  • You still like Mickey Mouse.
  • You love your swing in the basement.
  • You are super into coloring, especially with markers.
  • You love your "ipad" and Mom's phone.
  • You love playing with toys, especially cars and trucks.
  • You think Hudson is the funniest boy around(he is pretty funny).
  • You are obsessed with your "kitty" and snuggles with her at bedtime.
  • You love brushing your teeth, snuggling in Mom's bed and singing songs before bedtime.
  • You LOVE to dance.
  • You are always up for wrestling or dog-piling your Dad.
  • You love to "clean, clean, clean"
  • You tolerate Nursery-your never that impressed being dropped off, but you don't cry anymore and you like the songs you sing:)
  •  You love to take me by the hand and lead me to what you want rather than ask for something.
  • You love to wear sunglasses.
  • You will do just about anything for ice cream

I have not been feeling so super, so yesterday we kept your Birthday pretty low key. I didn't even bake you a cake:(. I did however, take you to your favorite place(McDonalds) for lunch, then to play at Millenium Park . You loved it when Hudson chased you around. You were concerned when he ran off and you couldn't see him. You played yourself out, then we all came home and took a snuggle nap together. When Dad came home we took you to Red Robins, for Dinner and a Birthday Ice Cream Sunday. You loved your balloon, and mostly just ate ketchup with a fork. Every once in a while you would stand in your booth and give us a little dance. The plan of taking you to ChuckeCheese was cancelled because we were all too tired. We came home and let you open your gifts, which you were so happy to receive. I feel bad that I didn't do more for your birthday. You are just such a special boy and I wish I had the energy to throw you a huge party with all of your besties.(Odin, and Laughlin, Lorenzo, Tiago and Joaquin)
My special Boy, I hope that you will always know how much we LOVE you. You are truly a special noble spirit, I am humbled to have the privilege of having you in my family. Love you Coopy Smoochy Poopsy!!!!!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Why We Loved Our Summer

 Epic Water Fights. We bought 3 super soakers from Costco this summer, and had MANY amazing water fights in the backyard.

We got to visit Molly. My sister Jodie was AMAZING enough to take my little guys up to Grande Prairie this summer for a whole week. The boys had sooooo much fun. Jodie has 4 acres,  a pool, quads, a big house, and best of all Molly:) It was one of the highlights of the summer for my little guys. 

Family Time, and park visits. We love going to the park. Splash parks, playgrounds, whatever. We usually take the guys for ice cream and a park visit after work, and we always have a blast. 

Bike Rides!! Last Year, Hudson got really good at riding his little strider balance bike. I though they were pretty silly, but this year when Hudson wanted to learn how to ride a big boy bike I was totally proved wrong! He picked up bike riding in about 5 minutes. He makes "skid marks" and even tries jumps-haha. He would bike ride all day everyday if we would let him. Shane found this sweet HOT PINK garage sale bike for ten bucks, and Hudson LOVES his bike!!!

 Playing in the back yard. Hudson and Cooper have really started to play more together. I love it:) Shane bought Cooper a playhouse, and Cooper will play in it for such long stretches! Hudson Loves the trampoline! After work, almost everyday the boys and Shane head out to the trampoline and have various games that they play. I love hearing the giggles from the back yard!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Holy Moly.
Today was so cold. It is officially fall here in Edmonton. I figured that since I missed blogging this whole summer, and I have about 7 attempted catch up posts, that I had better just start somewhere. I guess that somewhere will be today and hopefully one day I will find the time to catch up on out AWESOME summer. The Heath's LOVE summer, and had a great one, so we definitely need to document it.

Well right now things are finally beginning to calm down. Until this month I have been working essentially full time at the U of A. I am continuing to learn so so much, but still have so much more to learn. Along with the hospital, my little etsy shop has been super busy. Most days, I  go towork, then play with the boys until their bedtime, then sew all night. It has been a bit much!

We have had the boys all over the place for childcare, but we think we will have something a bit more constant for them now:) We are so so excited about that

Hudson and Cooper have just been growing and learning so much. Cooper's vocabulary increases day  by day, and watching him communicate with us is almost more than I can take. Hudson is just getting so smart, that it just blows my mind.

Hudson is really into anatomy and physiology, especially bones right now. We talk all of the time about different bones, and body parts. In fact tonight before bed, H wanted to feel my vocal chords-heehee.
One night when we were playing on the trampoline Shane randomly asked Hudson how many bones are in a human body, to which he responded "206, Daddy". I didn't believe him, but later googled it and realized he was right!!! He has been reading a lot of books about bones, and apparently remembered how many he had!

Cooper has been an amazing sleeper his entire life, until this past week. He has been such a MAJOR STINKER. He has been scream crying for hours after we lay him down. He is clever and will try ANY tactic to get us to come to his rescue. What he really wants, is to get us to let him snuggle us in our bed. We were trying a new bedtime ritual, allowing the boys to snuggle us in our bed and we say prayers together and do some songs. Well this was so much fun, until both of the boys decided to go nuts when it was time to go into their own beds. Not cool!

Cooper all ready for church:)
Cooper is still such a kind and quiet little spirit. He loves to take me by the hand and lead  me to whatever he wants. If he hurts one of us, he immediately says his version of sorry, and "pets " the person. Cooper has finally started to not mind getting dropped off in nursery. He will now go, and be the easy going happy boy that he is:)
Cooper loves to play with toys. He LOVES cars. Vroom. He will sit and play with his toy kitchen or toy workbench fore such long stretches! It is so different having a kid who loves to play. Cooper also loves his TV characters. He loves "Mouse" and "Boot". It is so cute as he dances to the Mickey Mouse theme song.  At night when we have been doing our snuggle/song sessions Cooper will sing along. He babbles, and does not know words, but it is so cute!

Hudson is getting a bit better in church too. He sometimes struggles, but thanks to some new tablets we bought this summer, he is much better in sacrament meeting. Two weeks ago Hudson was asked to give his first talk in primary. Let me tell ya, it was crazy. I literally offered Hudson 5 bucks and a trip to dollarama, if he would just not be a turd!
I should have known that this would not be enough. Well when we went up to the pulpit, Hudson grabbed the microphone and noticed that it was on, and that he could scream in it. I quickly snatched it and turned it off. Then Hudson refused to talk, he just kept telling me to turn it on. It was so embarrassing. It was such a spectacle.
My Boys showing their personalities and enjoying Mama's bed for snuggles.
I have to say that I love having a 4 year old. I love watching Hudson figure things out and see his reaction to cause and effect. He is so inquisitive. He is really into signs that mean "no"(the circle with a diagonal line through it). Whenever he sees a no smoking sign or no parking sign, or no skateboarding sign, whatever, we have to talk about it. Today on our way to the post office, we had a talk about smoking. He asked why people smoke. I explained to him, that once you start it is really really hard to stop. I told him that sometimes Satan tempts people to smoke, and that sometimes Satan even might tempt him to smoke. He was fascinated by this. We had a great talk about Satan(whom Hudson would only call Martin). After me telling him that Satan was bad, Hudson decided that he should be bad too, so he could "get him". Backfire-heehee. I told him the best way to "get him" is to follow the commandments. I hope that Hudson will learn quickly that that is the easiest way to have a happy life:)

Well that is us over the past couple weeks. I am hopeful to catch up soon:)