Monday, March 2, 2015

Fantastic February

This month has been busy and so much fun!
We have been able to spend a lot of time with friends and family and celebrate some fun occasions!

The boys continue to fill our lives with so much craziness, fun, laughter and joy. They are truly our world. I often tell Hudson the only thing that matters to me is that he is happy. Really, that is how I feel. I just want my sweethearts to have a wonderful life.

Besties and Twinners

handsome clowns!
Hudson continues to do well with reading and school. Every once in a while he gets in to trouble for things like not wearing his shirt or getting into fights on the playground, but we work on those things and try  to move forward.
Hudson had some neat activities this month at school. First he had his 100 day project for the 100th day of school. We printed out 100 pictures of Hudson and glued them in the shape of 100.  Other kids we knew dressed up like they were 100, which was so so funny!

That same week was Valentines day. We worked on Valentines cards for Hudson's classmates and he came home with a pouch full of goodies. His class had a party and he had a great day. I set up some Valentines treats for the boys on Valentines Day(Sat) and Shane gave me the greatest gift ever....sleeping in:)

The following week we celebrated Hudson's 6th birthday. I am so proud of my big boy and sure love him so much. He still calls me Mama, and LOVES snuggles from his Mom and Dad. He is getting much more patient with Cooper, and loves to wrestle him. He is the sweetest big brother to Baby Fletch, and I think it is safe to say he is obsessed with all babies in general, especially baby girls! Hudson has a very special place in his heart fro his sister Piper, and never misses a chance to talk about her, draw her a picture or say a prayer for her.

I think he likes it:)

My sweet 6 year old!
On Sat. Feb 21st,we let Hudson open his gift from us(lego) and I baked him a special chocolate cake. He wanted a special cake, so I slaved over it. He proceeded to take one bite and say that he kind of liked it but also kind of hated it...grrrrrrrrrr.

The delicious cake

Cooper stealing some thunder

Zero girlfriends!
We then took the boys to Treehouse, a play center place and let the boys go nuts. It was a really fun, great day.

Cooper our sweet and sassy 3 year old is still rocking his potty training. I am so thankful!!!
We have a lot of fun with Cooper. He always has his head in the clouds and is super flighty. We love to quiz him on colors and numbers. About 100 percent of the time he gets his colors wrong. It has turned quite comical!

Cooper and his Amazing nursery leaders, Ber"NARD" and Diane
Cooper wakes up every night demanding snuggles from his Mommy, and still wants me to kiss all of his owies if he gets hurt. He is full of "I love yous" and although he loves to play with his baby, he is still quite rough with him.
Cooper still loves his toys and will sit and play by himself for hours! He will often yell out .."Wait for it..."Game Over"... and other hilarious phrases out of the blue.
Cooper is loving being a sunbeam and does quite well  in primary.

On to Baby Fletchy!
Good Grief we LOVE LOVE LOVE this guy. I often tell the boys that he is my favorite(they all are, but he is just soooooooo good!!)
I am obsessed . Look at his new teeth.
This baby is the perfect child. He really is so good. So laid back and such a nice temperament.
Fletcher has had a big month!!
He started sitting up, crawling, and can now pull himself up on furniture and he will even sometimes let go and stand(and he is super proud)

On the Move!!!

Sitting Up!!!
Fletchy has also cut both of his big front teeth. He is looking so different. He is still squishy and lovable.He is a rock star sleeper. He goes to bed at 630-7 and sleeps a full 12 hours. WE ARE SERIOUSLY OBSESSED with this happy, fun, super easy baby!

Shane and I have also had a big month. We finished the condo and listed it!!!!! Eeek. We are so proud, and I think it turned out so great. We have had a bit of interest, but things are quite slow, so it has yet to sell. I am so excited for when it does. Shane and I fasted today, and we are hoping that it wont be too much longer. It really was so much work, but we learned a lot along the process.

Heath Therapies continues to do well. Shane has worked out a great contract he is working on that will keep him very busy for the next few months. It is a lot of work, but offers many benefits as well.

We have loved being able to visit family and friends this month. Jodie and Cassidy came down for a soccer tournament, and Rudi and baby Sadie came just this last week and stayed over for a couple nights.
I also got to see one of my longest bffs Carlee, and her super adorable girls.

Love this girl!
We have had a couple family dinners with everyone, and just this weekend we went out with Shane's sister and brothers and spouses as Joel and Amy and their kids are moving up to Grande Prairie. We are so sad to see them and their kids go.

We really are a blessed little family. Things are busy but great. We have ups and downs but are a strong team and we do our best to help each other out. We are so thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ to give up perspective in this crazy world.