Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Time continues to fly by. So much happens in our lives, and I wish I had time and energy to document it all. Sometimes I worry that I am living my prime right now and I need to somehow try to remember everything. I panic about it. I felt this way as a missionary as well. I just love being a Mommy so much and my kids are at such fun ages, I don't want to forget anything. I always worry about the pictures on my posts, but I should just write more, and then add the pictures when I have more time.

Last post was about February. Since then, we Shane has continued his contract with Heath Therapies. It has been such a great blessing. Financially it is much better than hospital work, and he has so much more time with us.
Fletcher totally favors Dad right now, as Shane spends so much time with him. It is so awesome. They play together so much, and Fletch is even saying Dad. That is the only word he says:( I am working on getting him to say Mama!!! He also loves to wave at his Daddy. They definitely have a special bond.
Etsy has stayed super busy, so with Shane being off more I have been able to somewhat keep up with things, and May 2nd I attended my first Craft Fair. It was A LOT of work, but also a ton of fun. Kennedy and Leanne came and helped me with it. The biggest surprise of the Day was Rory and Caitlyn coming by to see my booth. It was so nice of them!

We have been exercising our faith and waiting for the past few months, and FINALLY our condo sold. It is such a relief to have it gone. We are now finally in a position to move. We are working on figuring out Mortgage stuff, and have decided we will either build a home or purchase a home in Beaumont. We feel very sure that that is what we are looking for. I am hoping we can get things figured out quickly as I would like Hudson to start grade 1 in french immersion out there.
Shane and I celebrated our 8th Anniversary. It feels like 5 minutes, yet sometimes I can't imagine life without him and our boys.

We got tickets to one of our favorite bands' One Republic, and had a serious blast at their concert. I listened to them for at least a couple weeks straight after the show. So stinkin good!

Fletcher, our sweet little baby turned one on the 16th of May. We had a little party with him, on the 17th, and let him have cake, ect. He is such a great little boy. He is adored by all of us, and totally completes our family. He sleeps well, eats well, plays with toys, and is such a happy good boy. He has 5 teeth(almost 6) and crawls around like a boss! He just figured out stairs and cackles as he crawls up to the playroom and finds his brothers.The stairs are still a bit problematic, as he is unable to get down from them. Fletcher just had a round of immunizations, and he was 50th for weight(22 lbs) and 50th for height. I was so shocked as he seems so squishy and chubby. I love to smooch is sweet dimples and kiss his rolls. He LOVES to crawl into the bathrooms, which are usually disgusting, so we all have to be very aware of keeping the bathroom closed. Fletchy is also loving all types of foods. We let him feed himself a lot of the time and he eats pretty much everything we eat. His faves are goldfish and applesauce:) He is also a lot like his older brother Cooper(and his mama) as he is a serious food mooch. If you are in his vicinity and eating anything, he promptly approaches with his mouth wide open. Fletchy still swan dives into his crib at night and sleeps 12-13 hours. He sometimes wakes up and sits and plays all by himself for a long time before wanting out. Fletcher is starting to stand all by himself, but is a bit of a scardey cat. He loves to walk along furniture and cabinets. Our big boy has even graduated to a big boy car seat, so he is now turned around. He loves to be facing the rest of us.

Our Cooper Coopula, continues to be an amazingly sweet little boy. He went through a phase for about 3 weeks, where he would tell me several HUNDRED times a day that he loved me. Like no exaggeration, non stop. I tried so hard to be patient and tell him I loved him back every time, as I could not figure out why he felt he needed to tell me so much. He also started to wake up screaming each night, and really the only thing that will settle him is me snuggling him in my bed. So right now he is a Mamas boy, and I really don't mind it. He is a real sweetheart. I just love him to bits. If he hears a bang, or any noise, he will always yell out...Are you okay Mom... He makes Fletcher laugh a lot, and adores Hudson. Often while Hudson is at school, he will ask me to go and pick Hudson up because he misses him. Cooper LOVES, and I mean LOVES playing with toys. He will sit for hours and play with Magnetix, Lego or other toys. He has full conversations with them. I love his imagination. One day I knew I had a ton of work to get done, so I made Cooper a fresh batch of Playdough.  Hudson was there too and played for maybe 45 minutes, but Cooper played with his playdough all day. and night. It was literally dried out and crumbled by the end of the day. He barely left his bar stool. He is such a fun and neat kid. Cooper does not have quite the social life that Hudson had at his age, so he was so excited to go to his first Birthday Party.(Jake Siakuluk). The poor boys both got Pneumonias  in April so he was not able to go. It was so sad and scary seeing them so sick. I did not mind all of the snuggles I got though!
Just this past weekend Shane found an IPhone at a garage sale for 7 dollars. We gave it to Cooper, who is now obsessed with his phone. It is so funny to see him think he is so fancy! Cooper is my best eater and must be growing a lot. He out eats Hudson by double and but does not have as much of a sweet tooth. He loves fruit and vegetables.
Cooper has also just recently decided he enjoys coloring. He draws cute little detailed pictures and loves to tell me all about his creations. Again, his imagination is so funny. He comes up with the funniest stories. Not too long ago Cooper told Shane that he does not like coconuts. When Shane inquired as to why,Cooper told him a coconut fell on his head at the park??? He is a bit of a story teller and often Hudson is doing bad things in his stories. We love our Coopy, he is such a great boy.

With it being the middle of June I can not even believe that our Hudson Boy is almost all done his first year of school. I almost start to cry thinking about how much my boy has learned and changed this year. I really do owe Mrs. Nikoloau for life. She has been the greatest teacher we could have ever asked for, She has cared for Hudson so much. I love her with all of my heart. Hudson is a very very smart little boy. He does really well in school and has an amazing memory. Hudson reads like a mad man. I love that he can now sound out anything and that he is enjoying reading more and more. Hudson is also a math man. He loves numbers and figures out math problems on his own all of the time. If I am 13, then Cooper will be 10 and Fletcher will be 7, right mom?? 800 plus 800 is 1600 right mom? Mom, how can 50 be an even number is 5 is an odd number? It really never ends. He is so lucky to have a keen mind. A couple weeks ago Hudson had his spring concert called go fish. It was a concert for all Kindergarden kids to Grade 2. Hudson was so funny on stage. He knew all of the words, but was not very enthusiastic about the dance moves. Hudson has learned so many neat things at school! One day his class baked bread, and he even brought home a loaf of warm yummy bread. Another time, he cam home and showed me the downward facing dog, and other moves he learned in his Yoga class. I love seeing all of the neat things he is learning.
Hudson has been a real champ as we have tried to figure out the proper medication for him. He has lost a bit of weight on adderall. It worries me a lot, but I am hopeful we will get him a medication that will really help him out. Hudson has a mental health therapist that he visits a couple times a month and it has been great working with her.
Hudson has a great love of video games. He loves a game called Destiny. If he reads a certain amount, then he can play it for an hour. Using this method of if, then, has really helped Hudson become a great reader. Hudson is really interested in learning to Golf and playing T ball. We are planning on getting him into some sport camps this summer as well as some swimming lessons.
Hudson loves to "go out" so we have already been to the zoo a few times this spring, and out to multiple parks. It has been so wonderful having the school park so close. Hudson also loves riding his bike to school each day.
 He really is getting so big. He takes great care of "his baby" and is becoming kinder and more patient with Cooper. Hudson really loves his primary teacher Sister Jessica Evanston. He has a very kind heart and loves a lot of the primary hymns. If Fletcher gets hurt, or is upset, Hudson immediately starts singing hymns to him. He is such a good boy. A few weeks ago we were learning about Faith for Family Home Evening, and each of the boys got to go pick out seeds and plant them. t has been so fun watching them grow and Hudson reminding me that the plants are like faith,
We have been very very blessed to have a beautiful May/June forecast, so we surprised our boys with a new water slide. It has been so much fun watching them play on it. Fletcher is not super fond of it, but I think next year it will be a hit with him.