Hudson and I talked a lot about Cooper getting his needles,and Hudson even informed Santa (in his letter)that Cooper was getting his immunizations. When the time came for Cooper to have his shots, Hudson lost it. He was bawling and screaming and was really affected. He kept saying, "awe, poor Coops, he is NEVER going to get over this". He continued with hilarious concerned phrases, and then belted out, "Cooper I love you"!!!! Being that I was a tad on the late side for Coopers shots, the poor kid got a 2 for 1 and got both his 6 month,and 12 month shots-meaning that there was 6 needles in total. When all of the needles were administered, Hudson declared that he was just not brave enough to help his brother, and was fairly disgusted in himself. He took very good care of his little brother for the rest of the day and today also. I think it is safe to say that Hudson is not a fan of needles, but is a huge fan of his baby brother. Since Cooper has started walking his confidence and place in our family has grown. Cooper asserts himself more(still in his gentle way) but I think Hudson likes it, and it definitely makes Hudson more aware of Cooper. I have to say that watching the two of them interact with their distinctively different personalities has to be one of my favorite parts of parenthood thus far. I love watching them play and love one another. It truly brings so much joy to our home to listen to Cooper howl and have laugh attacks at his big brother. Still no one can make Cooper laugh like Hudson can. Hudson has special "Cooper Dances" and has tricks up his sleeves all of the time to entertain his little buddy.
Watching Hudson be so concerned for his brother yesterday was amazing. I am so thankful for my two boys, and the great blessing they are to me each and everyday. I was a bit worried about my kids being 3 years apart, as my older sister was 3 years older than I and I am 3 years older than my little brother and we were not particularly close growing up. I hope these two stay close and become a force to be re conned with against anyone or anything that challenges their integrity and values.
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