Thursday, September 3, 2015

End of Summer

I can't believe another summer has come and gone.
I am in denial about it really.
Hudson started GRADE ONE this week.The whole week prior I felt so blue about it. Hudson has become a best friend to me. He is a helper, he is funny, and I generally really enjoy being around him. I feel like I am losing a limb sending him to school all day. Cooper is also so missing his big brother. He asks me all day to go and pick Hudson up, or tells me we have to go find him because he is sad. I am looking forward to spending more one on one time with Cooper, but we both really miss our Huds!

Oh I just love this boy!

Hudson has started school in Beaumont in French Immersion. His teacher seems really sweet, but I know it is difficult for my boy as all of the other kids went to school last year together. They know some french, and they know each other. So far Hudson has done really well and I am so proud of him. I am loving the feeling of Beaumont so far and driving has not been nearly as annoying as I though it might be, but it helps that I get to snoop on my house when I go. (they are working on the roof and windows)
All ready for his first day of Grade one!
The school has a great park, and huge fields, so I have been able to take Cooper and Fletcher for walks and to the Park before Hudson's day is finished.
This week we celebrated my 34th birthday. I am so old. Yuck!
It was mostly a regular day, but we had cake for dessert and each of the kids had to have a chance to blow out my candles.

Someone LOVES cake!

The last couple weeks we had the boys in swimming lessons. They did really well, and had fun. Cooper was a bit annoying with wanting me right beside him for the duration of his lessons, but overall both Shane and I feel more comfortable with them in the water. We will do more lessons when we move.

We also went out and had our annual family photos done. My kids, mostly Cooper, were in fine form not looking at the photographer, and were busy picking and throwing rocks, sticks and anything else they could get their hands on.I love getting our pictures back though. It is always worth the fuss to have those treasures.

Fletcher is getting more confident walking. He has a waddle walk and it is so so so cute. I have been trying to get him to wear shoes and socks, but he just hates them. He quickly reverts back to crawling with them on-ha! He is definitely a summer baby!

I have been working like a dog trying to de clutter our garage and house and start getting organized. I imagine we will soon have to list our duplex so I am trying to be prepared. It has been awesome getting rid of so much excess! Love de junking!

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